Stuart Barnes  Experience

Transform Your Dog's Behaviour and Create an Unbreakable Bond with 'The Way of the Dog' Online Course

As a dog trainer with over 30 years experience, I have seen so many dog owners struggle to get their dogs to behave. They’ve tried many of the conventional training methods, from bribing them with food to forcing them with hard yanks on the lead, and nothing works. Their dog still refuses to come back when called, pulls them down the street, jumps on visitors to the house is highly reactive on the lead, and just doesn’t listen…

After many years working in the wild with with dogs and horses, it was clear that animals have a universal natural language that maintains order within their social groups. I've taken that natural language and turned it into a simple system that dog owners find easy to understand and follow. Not only does this help your dog understand what you from them, but it helps you build an incredible bond. I call it, The Way of the Dog.

This System helps you Harness the Power of Your Dog's Natural language with a Proven, Easy-to-Follow treat free, Instinct-Based Technique

If you’re embarrassed by your dog’s behaviour, if it ignores you when you call, if it does things you don’t want, from running across a road, destroying your house, to stealing socks or food off the kitchen bench, there is hope. Even if you feel you’ve tried everything and are at a loss as to what to do next, this system will help you to:

  • Learn how to communicate with your dog using body language and energy so you don’t need to rely on treats or tools.

  • Build a strong bond together so that your dog listens to you through respect, not through fear or bribes

  • Gain confidence in your abilities by understanding the signals your dog is giving you

  • Enhance your dog's trust in you by understanding and responding to their instinctual cues and body language

  • Create the behaviours you want so that people compliment you, rather than criticise you, for your dog’s behaviour

  • And so much more…

In this comprehensive online course, you’ll learn the philosophy behind The Way of the Dog training approach and gain practical skills for communicating with your dog. This course is designed for dog owners who are looking for a natural, effective, and humane way to train your dogs. We cover a range of topics, including understanding your dogs body language, using energy to connect with your dog, and how to apply the natural language technique Stu uses, his ‘Pressure On, Pressure Off’ technique, to teach your dog new commands and behaviours. The course is broken down into:

  • The Way of the Dog Module 1 Learnm Their Language

    1. Learn Their Language

    Module 1 introduces the Way of the Dog system and teaches you the foundations of your dog's 'language' …

  • 2. Training the Basics

    Module 2 covers basic skills and commands. This module helps you become more fluent in their language…

  • 3. Ownership and Food

    Module 3 teaches your dog who owns what in your household and the behaviours we expect as a consequence…

  • 4. The Walk

    Module 4 is all about walking your dog, help your dog understand exactly what you want to make the walk enjoyable...

  • 5. The Perfect Recall

    Module 5. This is the ultimate, your dog always comes back when called, irrespective of the distractions around them…

  • The Way of the Dog eBook

    The course is based on The Way of the Dog book, so we’ve included the eBook for you to read alongside the course…

What our clients say about

the Way of the Dog System:

  • Thanks!

    “I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you. I’m very pregnant and have 2 jack Russell’s, one of which had recently become aggressive/possessive over space.

    My husband and I have done your energy/body language advice most days for just a few minutes since then and we have 2 MUCH happier and calmer and more secure dogs. It’s amazing how much more peace there is in our house now. I’m sure we’re not ‘there’ yet, but we’ll keep it up and hope for the best.

    Thank you. Your simple advice has made a big difference!” - Alice

  • You said turn and face them and use your energy

    “Dear Stuart. I have had one problem with my youngest dog who before we rescued him didn’t know what the sky or grass was. As he has gained confidence he has begun to pull on his lead – until now. You said turn to face them and use your energy. The first time I only had to do it three times and he was walking by my side on a loose lead. I have passed this snippet of information to a couple of friends who also have problems with pulling dogs, (it seems to be an agility thing) and have ordered your book to learn more. So thank you very much.”

  • Life changing

    “With no place left to turn I was about to kill my autistic son’s best friend for being an aggressive pet, when out of the blue a friend sent me Stuart’s contact details. I spoke with him for 30mins where he gave me specific training instructions that I followed to the letter. I rang him back 10 minutes later because he had changed my dog, me and my sons lives forever. We now enjoy the company of our happy dogs in a happy house enjoying regular walks on the beach.

    Thank you Stuart. Without your guidance this would be a family home with a member of the family gone forever.

    We will always be grateful.”


  • Yes, this course is based on the natural way dogs communicate with each other. It works on all dogs, regardless of their age, breed or background.

  • The course is split into modules that are self paced. Each lesson is deliberately designed to be short and easily absorbed so you can fit it in when you have time.

  • The course is designed in a step by step format and each lesson is 5 to 15 minutes. You’re able to apply what you learn in your normal interactions with your dog, when you feed it, play with it or walk it. It’s possible to do this training in no more than 5 to 10 minutes per day. Consistency is key.

  • The system uses a dog’s natural language, so it will work. That said, you are learning a new language, and it takes time to be fluent. If it’s not working for you, the course steps you through all the areas to change. If you decide it’s not for you, we have a 30 day money back guarantee.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We’re so confident this system works that we offer a no quibble, 30 day money back guarantee.