What our clients say about our books…

  • Amazing book!

    "I purchased your book “The Way of The Dog, training by instinct”. I read it in 2 days and immediately started to put it into practice with my Giant Schnauzer (3 1/2 years old) and my mini schnauzer(16 months old ). The effect has been dramatic, within our house in 2 days.

    I have been to months of puppy training, read books, articles on the internet and taken advice from experienced breeders … and nothing has been so effective so quickly with regard to changing behaviour. “

    — Thank you

  • Thank you.

    “Having been so impressed with the Dog and Duck Show at Findon Sheep Fair in 2017 I bought Stuart Barnes’s book ‘The Way of the Dog’. The book gives the clear, positive, accurate advice he gave in that short time during his excellent show with the advantage of being able to learn each technique at my own pace. I applied techniques from Stuart’s book and saw results almost straight away. I finally started to understand why my dog reacts to the things he does and the ‘jobs’ he undertook.”

    — Amy, Tom and Rigsby x

  • Not just for dog owners.

    “I bought Stuart’s book after seeing his Dog and Duck Show (a definite must see). This book isn’t just for dog lovers, but for anyone who love reading in general.

    The chapters on problematic dogs, focuses on scenarios for different situations and how to work on breaking bad/old habits. His technique for “pressure on, pressure off” trumps too many verbal commands favoured by some dog trainers, especially the infamous Barbara Woodhouse and her “Sit!) command.

    So enjoy and good read and a life well lived by Stuart Barnes.”

  • A great book.

    “I bought Stuart’s book last year after seeing the Dog and Duck show. The book is fascinating and … the results are quite amazing. I have used Stuarts methods on my two rescue dogs and the transformation is amazing. Gem we rescued six months ago after having been locked in a shed for two years with no contact with any other living being just a hole where food was shoved through occasionally!! She is now the happiest friendliest dog you can imagine and just yesterday I found her asleep in my shed… After all the negative associations she had with sheds this is massive!!! Trust me take Stuart’s ideas on board find the exact tweaks that make it work for you and live the dream. Too many people blame the wrong end of the leash…. Buy the book and live with the ideas for a few weeks then tell me I’m wrong… 🙂”

  • Love the book.

    “Dear Stuart , I sent you a email soon after the Bath West show after reading your book , my wife is now reading it together we have been into dogs for some 57 years , my wife doesn’t want to finish the book as she is enjoying it so much , i do hope you continue to write such good books , many people no matter how much you try to help them as you say in your book you feel it is a waist of time , you win some you loose some !! , if only people would remember it is still a dog with its own instinct’s , i know of several people who bought there house but the dog owns it , keep up the good work, again, I was very taken with your display a the show , showing what can be done even with a difficult dog i agree it’s your mental power over the dog.”

    — Regards and many thanks

  • I just wanted to let you know how much your book meant to me.

    “I took the book everywhere I went with me in China and gradually over the course of the month I read it. Your stories enlightened me and made me feel so happy that I too was able to travel the world. I loved every second of my journey and even when it got tough I knew I could make it through because you managed to make it through much worse than me. I also saw the beauty in all of the animals I had the pleasure to meet just like you did. While out there I volunteered in a Giant Panda sanctuary and I have to admit it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I just wanted to let you know how much that book meant to me and to wish you good luck with all of your future travels.”

    — Kind regards, Molly

  • You simply MUST read this book.... 5 stars!

    “The Way of the Dog is loaded with practical, easy-to-follow tips and tricks to help any dog lover create a positive, rewarding relationship with their canine companion. If you love your dog and want to create the best environment for both your pet and your family in your home, you simply MUST read this book.

    5 Stars.”

  • Informative book.

    “I have read your book from cover to cover and found it so informative. I’m a veterinary nurse and it has really helped me in handling dogs at work. I’ve been vet nursing for the last 14 years but since trying out some of the tips and techniques I learnt from the book it has helped in handling even the most unruly dogs! Which makes it a lot easier! I also recommend the book to clients as well if they have training or behaviour issues as am sure it is worth any dog owner to read. Thank you for all the info in the book. It is most invaluable.”

    - Regards Liz

  • Great Read

    “I must say the book is very good. It is easy to read and gives a great insight into the dogs’ mind and its learning chain.

    Stuart has studied wild dogs on many continents and passes on his findings in a straight talking, no-nonsense manner that can benefit new dogs owners and experienced alike.”

  • Very impressed.

    “I bought your book, am two thirds of the way through it and already understanding and gaining better control of our energetic dog Dolly. The method/approach you encourage is way more intuitive than any I’ve encountered before and seems to contain the solution to mastering our dog in a way that she is/will be comfortable with and accepting of. Very impressed and I will be buying a few copies of your book for family and friends.’”

    - Matt Conroy

  • The Way of the Explorer

    “Purchased this fascinating read at Findon Sheep fair following how you both met. My wife of 50 years & I have travelled a fair amount, but our memory of spending Waitangi day on a wet & windy day at Okain’s Bay South Island New Zealand visiting by chance in our Camper 10 years ago will be etched in our minds for years to come. Your book is a wonderful prompt to encourage people to travel as independently as possible.”

    — Well done. Barry.B.

  • Amazing book ... dramatic change once techniques applied.

    “I purchased your book “The Way of The Dog, training by instinct”. I read it in 2 days and immediately started to put it into practice with my Giant Schnauzer (3 1/2 years old) and my mini schnauzer(16 months old ). The effect has been dramatic, within our house in 2 days, I have managed to reduce to almost zero the number of times the mini jumps up at me. I know it will need to be reinforced over the next few days but it has definitely been the most effective of all the methods tried so far.

  • A good reference book.

    “This book (The Way of the Dog) is really well laid out and easy to read, either as a whole or to dip in an out of. An index would have been handy but given the ease of headings not essential.”

  • Eye opening book.

    “I have bought your ebook. I’m 1/3 of the way in and my eyes are opening already. Thank you for making your experience and knowledge available to the public. It is going to be a great help to me and onward down to my dog.

    Keep up the great work :o)”

  • Excellent book, a really moving tale.

    “The Way of The Explorer is a really moving tale of a really different way of living a life, which made me reevaluate my life. Well worth a read.”

  • Nothing has been so effective so quickly

    I have been to months of puppy training, read books, articles on the internet and taken advice from experienced breeders since bringing the giant and especially with the mini who is much more highly strung and very intelligent (which seems to intensify her behaviour) into our home and nothing has been so effective so quickly with regard to changing behaviour.

    Thank you!”

  • Great show and a great book!

    “Your book was fabulous! Very much looking forward to getting a copy of the next book by Chantal.”