What our clients say about our dog training…

  • Life changing.

    “With no place left to turn I was about to kill my autistic son’s best friend for being an aggressive pet, when out of the blue a friend sent me Stuart’s contact details. I spoke with him for 30mins where he gave me specific training instructions that I followed to the letter. I rang him back 10 minutes later because he had changed my dog, me and my sons lives forever. We now enjoy the company of our happy dogs in a happy house enjoying regular walks on the beach.

    Thank you Stuart. Without your guidance this would be a family home with a member of the family gone forever.

    We will always be grateful.”

    — Thank you

  • You said turn to face them and use your energy.

    “Dear Stuart. I have – had one problem with my youngest dog who before we rescued him didn’t know what the sky or grass was. As he has gained confidence he has begun to pull on his lead – until now. You said turn to face them and use your energy. The first time I only had to do it three times and he was walking by my side on a loose lead. I have passed this snippet of information to a couple of friends who also have problems with pulling dogs, (it seems to be an agility thing) and have ordered your book to learn more. So thank you very much.”

  • Thanks!

    “I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you. I’m very pregnant and have 2 jack Russell’s, one of which had recently become aggressive/possessive over space.

    My husband and I have done your energy/body language advice most days for just a few minutes since then and we have 2 MUCH happier and calmer and more secure dogs. It’s amazing how much more peace there is in our house now. I’m sure we’re not ‘there’ yet, but we’ll keep it up and hope for the best.

    Thank you. Your simple advice has made a big difference!!”

    — Alice

  • Thank you Stuart.

    “Thank you for your help with Fly……. Learning to understand the correct way to deal with her aggression has made everyones life so much better!

    We didn’t know what we were going to do, until we meet you. You saved her and us from a sad downward spiral! ‘We fired her from her job’ , as you told us to do and now….

    Fly is a different dog! A happy and more relaxed dog. We saw straight away that your method worked, and have kept it up!

    She is learning that life is more fun now just being a dog and she is so much more under our control!

    She even walks around the yard with my new chooks and they try to peek her feet and pinch her bones. They would not have had their head and feathers if they meet the Fly of before!!

    If anyone is seeking help with their dog , Stuart’s way works…we know!”

    — Thank you from us in NZ. Anne and Michelle

  • One of the best experiences we've had.

    “My partner and I were lucky enough to have a one to one, half day private lesson with Stuart Barnes from the Dog and Duck Show.

    My Border Collie Rigsby is an anxious protective dog who pulls on the lead, snaps at other dogs while on the lead and barks at anyone approaching me or entering our home.

    The training was excellent and Stuart was very clear, precise and demonstrated techniques to help us understand why Rigsby reacts to certain situations and what the triggers are. We learnt how and when to respond to stop this behaviour.

    Stuart gave Rigsby the opportunity to work along side his dogs herding his ducks and sheep. To see Rigsby in a working environment reacting with his Collie instincts was incredible to see and he loved it.

    I would recommend this training with Stuart to anyone. I couldn’t recommend him highly enough.”

    Kindest regards — Amy, Tom and Rigsby x

  • My energy was confident, not scared.

    “I used Stuart’s sage advice and it worked like a charm. A stray dog was trying to approach my Ginger. I looked at it with my arms out; it stopped. I took a slight step forward and it backed away! The dog was a German Shepherd and because I have been attacked (but never bitten) I am afraid of them. My energy was confident, not scared. I am grateful for your advice and wisdom. It worked!”