Stuart Barnes, Dog Behaviourist

“Learn their language, instead of making them learn ours”

Stuart Barnes, Dog Behaviourist, started his dog training career as a shepherd with his own pack of dogs when he was just 15. He’s since worked with animals in over 100 countries around the world. His passion for dogs has enabled him to gain an incredible understanding of their instincts and behaviours, in particular their universal language of ‘energy’ and body language. 

Many dog trainers talk about ‘energy’ and body language in their dog training, but the concept is hard for most people to understand and harder still for them to implement with their dogs. After a lifetime working with dogs and horses, Stuart has been able to take the energy and body language technique these animals use with each other and turn it into his unique ‘Pressure on, Pressure off’ system that’s easy for all humans to understand and implement. He teaches this technique through his book, The Way of the Dog, his online Dog Training Courses and his private dog training sessions.

Whether you have a puppy or a senior dog or want to improve your bond or address serious behavioural issues, Stuart’s easy to follow system will work for you. Browse through his training options and, if you’re not sure which is right for you, please contact us and we’ll recommend the best way forward.

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  • Way of the Dog Online Training Courses

    Online Courses

    Learn the Pressure on, Pressure off method of dog training that has made Stuart famous…

  • Books by Stuart and Chantal Barnes


    Pick one of Stu or Chantal’s books to help your family learn ‘how to understand dog’…

Stuart is also the original creator of the famous Dog and Duck show that now tours the UK in their summer season. Using his knowledge of dogs, his show demonstrates how untrained and poorly behaved dogs still have a programmed natural instinct, giving the audience a new understanding of The Way of the Dog, his book on dog behaviour and training. The show format is easily tailored to corporate events and Stu is a master at ensuing all audiences are highly entertained whilst learning.

Because of his charisma and incredible ability to communicate this understanding of dog behaviour to others, he’s been on both TV and radio, including being featured on the BBCs Countryfile, BBC radio and Australia’s Morning Show.

“If we are the most intelligent creatures on Earth, why do we try to make our domesticated animals understand our language, instead of us understanding theirs?”

- Stuart Barnes, Dog Behaviourist